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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Burning out on cycling?

Yes, I know it's been a week and a half since I've posted anything here.

Part of the reason is because I've been busy trying to solidify plans for the 2008 Tour de Stooges. I haven't made a public announcement about the ride -- until now -- that the ride will not be at McKendree University in Lebanon, although I've left subtle hints on the ride's Web site. We are leaving McKendree because the ride and the university have outgrown each other.

I was disappointed about it because we had a really good arrangement at McKendree, but the fact of the matter is that the university is adding more programs that is making it difficult for McKendree to handle us.

We are hoping to finalize an agreement for the new home shortly. I can't reveal the location yet, other than to say that it is in a community on the route that we've used the past 10 years.

The work on Tour de Stooges, combined with the work I do on this Web site, the Belleville Area Bicycling and Eating Society and other cycling-related endeavors, have left me drained this year. The lack of recent post also is a symptom of the burnout I'm feeling.

I am glad the 2007 cycling season is almost over here in the Midwest.

The good news is that I think the burnout is temporary. In 2008, I really need to scale back the amount of work I do with planning rides and increase the amount of time I spend on the bike. Once I actually get on the bike, I still get a lot of satisfaction from it.

The problem, however, is getting on the bike.

I'm hoping that a fall and winter concentration on walking and hiking, combined with scaling back some of the planning activities, will refresh my outlook on cycling by March or April.

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Roger 1 comments links to this post 7:39 PM  

Yeah, if you get burned out, it's time for a break. Take it easy and come back fresh!
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